Best. Realtor. Ever.
Our real estate agent, Kathy, was absolutely superb during the whole house search and buying process. She patiently set up all our requests to see houses, answered any and all of our myriad of questions about the house buying process, and was a staunch advocate for us during any dealings. In our book, she's the best realtor out there.
And tonight she proved that she's exceptional in other areas as well. Friend and neighbor. Look what she brought us:
That's homemade manicotti, salad (with two kinds of dressing), bread, a bottle of wine, and the pièce de résistance (as if the homemade manicotti hadn't already blown us away): homemade strawberry pie (made with strawberries from one of the local farms) with vanilla ice cream and whip cream. She had us at hello.
Thank you, Kathy!
Kathy is the absolute best!